Archived Issues

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April 2016

In the April 2016 issue of the IJW, Lisa Ronald kicks us off with the editorial perspective "Identifying with Wilderness," Christina Mills and Monica Patel ask "Where are the Young People in Wilderness?," and more!

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August 2016

In the August 2016 issue of the International Journal of Wilderness, we remember the pioneering wilderness scientist Bob Lucas; Doug Scott discusses the notion of having bicycles in wilderness areas; A. Andis, Robert Dvorak and Lisa Ronald share some thoughts from the millennials at the 2015 Wilderness Workshop; Tina Tin and River Yang trace the contours of wilderness in the Chinese mind; Frans Schepers and Paul Jepson discuss rewilding in a European context; and much more!

December 2016

In this issue of the IJW, Robert Dvorak asks the question, “Does wilderness need a celebrity, or just more defenders?”; Vance Martin and Chad Dawson provide a touching tribute to John Hendee, cofounder of the IJW; and more.

April 2015

In this issue, Vance G. Martin and Andrew Muir give a touching tribute to the late Dr. Ian Player. Amy Haak and Jack Williams look into the next 50 years for the wild trout, Lisa Ronald updates us on the Wilderness 50 Conference, and more.

August 2015

In this issue, Robert Dvorak shares a vision for America’s national wilderness preservation system, Franco Zunino talks about the increasing number of wilderness areas in Italy, Stephen McCool gives us the keys to building stewardship capacity for the next 50 years of wilderness, and more!

December 2015

Stewart Brandborg talks about "Wilderness, Wildness, and Wilderness Character;" Robert Dvorak reviews the interagency wilderness character monitoring strategy; H. Ken Cordell, Ramesh Ghimire and Chad Dawson compare wilderness values between managers and the public; and more!

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April 2014

In the April 2014 issue of the International Journal of Wilderness, we hear from many fantastic authors on the topics of Writing People Back into Nature, a Vision for a Wilder Europe, Thinking Wild, the International League of Conservation Writers, and more!

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August 2014

In the August 2014 issue of the International Journal of Wilderness, we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Wilderness Act! Alan Watson & Ken Cordell propose a great way to keep science & stewardship working together for another 50 years; Vance Martin & Melanie Hill give us the details about WILD10, the 10th World Wilderness Congress; David Cole gives us a historical perspective on wilderness science; and more!

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December 2014

In this December 2014 issue, we celebrate 20 years of the International Journal of Wilderness! John Hendee and Chad Dawson talk about the IJW going forward, Paul Hartfield takes us through the Lower Mississippi River- an under-appreciated national treasure, Laura Reilly explains how the Chicago Wilderness is a model for urban conservation, Audrey Neville and Robert Pahre show how tourists use social media in the wilderness, and more!

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April 2013

In this issue of the International Journal of Wilderness, we take a look at the wild waters of the Grand Canyon, Rocky Mountain National Park after 35 years, how migratory species add ecosystem service value to wilderness, and more!

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August 2013

In this issue of the International Journal of Wilderness, Vance Martin tells us what "WILD is," Lisa Eidson gives a countdown to the 50th Anniversary of the Wilderness Act, Jean-Claude Genot & Annik Schnitzler talk about Rewilding France and more!

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December 2013

In the December 2013 issue of the International Journal of Wilderness, we hear from Ingo Kowarik about a new perspective of Cities & Wilderness, Vicky Hoover & Gregory Hansen get everyone excited about the 50th Anniversary of the Wilderness Act, and more!

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April 2012

In this issue of the International Journal of Wilderness, Tin Tin and Peter Ashley each give us some background on the values of wilderness spirituality. Nigel Dudley, Cyril Kormos, Harvey Locke & Vance Martin band together on an article titled "Defining Wilderness in IUCN", and Julie Randall gives us a conservation strategy for the oceans in her article titled "Marine Wilderness."

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August 2012

In this issue of the IJW: Editor in Chief, Chad Dawson, begins by announcing two upcoming events which will celebrate wilderness. Paul Torrence writes about the Wilderness Land Trust, Ann Spehar talks on behalf of Bob Marshall's legacy, and much more!

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December 2012

In this issue of the IJW: Alan Watson & Tyron Venn begin with their editorial perspectives on Wilderness Ecosystem Services. Adrian Mendez Barrera writes about Natural Protected Areas in Mexico, Lisa Eidson makes plans for the Commemoration of the Wilderness Act, and much more!

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April, 2011

This issue of the International Journal of Wilderness kicks off our first year of offering online subscriptions! The journal features color photographs, charts and tables as well as the same great content our long-time subscribers expect. John Hendee reviews this exciting addition and other aspects of the Journal in his opening editorial. John also announces his transition to emeritus status with the Journal. Managing Editor Chad P. Dawson will take over as both editor in chief and managing editor.

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August, 2011

In this issue of the International Journal of Wilderness, Lisa Eidson begins by talking about balancing risk and public safety in the wilderness. We also hear from Robert G. Dvorak and Erin D. Small on the topic of visitor attitudes toward fire and wind disturbances in wilderness. This study examines visitor attitudes across the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness regarding the effects of natural disturbances on visitor planning & wilderness conditions.

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December, 2011

This December issue of the International Journal of Wilderness ends the 2011 year with a WILD10 update from The WILD Foundation's president, Vance Martin. We hear from Magnus Sylven, a member of the WILD10 Executive Committee, about Nature Needs Half- a new spatial perspective for a healthy planet. Other IJW contributors include Howard L. Smith, Cyril F. Kormos, M. Rupert Cutler, Neal Christensen, Brooke B. McBride, Tom Carlson, Lisa Eidson, Jaime Rojo and Gordon Cessford.

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April, 2010

This issue of the International Journal of Wilderness includes two summaries of WILD9, the 9th World Wilderness Congress (November 2009 in Merida, Mexico). Vance Martin provides a general overview, historical context and practical accomplishments of the Congress and David Parsons provides a personal account of his experience. Other articles include a stewardship article by Hawk Rosales about the InterTribal Sinkyone Wilderness, a review of bear-resistant food storage canisters, a study of monitoring campsite conditions with digital image analysis and more.

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August, 2010

The August 2010 IJW features a wonderful, heartfelt letter from the late George Duffy. This “Farewell” essay was written to fellow wilderness stewards after George learned he had a rare and fatal cancer. The letter reflects how George lived his life: full of verve and passion for wilderness, and always striving to improve wilderness stewardship. Angeles Mendoza Sammet and Michael S. Quinn contribute a Science & Research paper on the governance challenges for wildland preservation in Canada and Mexico.

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