Archived Issues

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December, 1997

George Wallace and Jim Wurz present the Management of Wildlands and Protected Areas short course at Colorado State University. Each year this program provides 21 Latin American managers with a month long intensive field-based course. Conducted fully in Spanish, this course is for most, their first exposure to the US concept of wilderness. Wayne Freimund and Bill Borrie address the question: “Will IMAX theaters and virtual wilderness of tomorrow reduce our desire for self-sufficiency, or will we have targeted a new way to meet such a need?”

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May, 1996

This issue of the IJW offers an article by Kim Crumbo on management of the natural American icon, the Grand Canyon, and the political red-tape involved with its wilderness designation. Wayne Freimund and Lloyd Queen contribute a very interesting article on the “new” technology and widespread use of the internet as a tool for advancing wilderness interests.”

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August, 1996

Mamphela Ramhele provides a study of how wilderness in used for healing in South Africa, with an emphasis on WILD’s partner organization The Wilderness Leadership School. He writes, “From time immemorial, the wilderness has been associated with the search for meaning and the need for restoration of interior balance…” This issue includes three great book reviews for “Guardians of the Parks, A History of the National Parks and Conservation Association,” by John C. Miles, “Wild Ideas” by David Rothenberg (ed), and “Troubled Waters: The Fights for the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness,” by Kevin Proescholdt.

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December, 1996

Roderick Nash, author of “Wilderness and the American Mind,” contributed an article for this IJW, on the implications of the internet on the soul of wilderness. Stating an case much before it was mainstream, Nash encourages readers to step away from technology to experience wilderness. Greg Aplet and Jerry Greenberg provide a written history of The Wilderness Society (US), and an insight into new and changing goals for the organization.

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September, 1995

The inaugural issue of the IJW announces the 6th World Wilderness Congress (Bangalore, India 1997), and an editorial welcome by John C. Hendee, the managing editor of the Journal. He states the vision of the journal as “an international voice integrating the wilderness and wild-land concerns of scientists, planner, managers, educators and citizen environmentalists, worldwide.” This issue also includes an article by Dr. Ian Player, founder of WILD, in which he tells the story of his friend and mentor Magqubu Ntombela’s words that prompted Ian to start the World Wilderness Congress and the organizations that now form The Wilderness Network.

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December, 1995

Max Oelschlaeger offers a fantastic feature “Soul of the Wilderness” in this issue of the IJW. His insightful article, Oelschlaeger references Dr. Player’s article in IJW vol 1 issue 1 and delves further into how wilderness helps define civilization and echoing Thoreau’s assertion that “in Wildness is the preservation of the World.”

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