Stewardship and Science in a Changing World
It seems appropriate for the direction of the International Journal of Wilderness to enter 2018 in the context of “a changing world.”
It seems appropriate for the direction of the International Journal of Wilderness to enter 2018 in the context of “a changing world.”
Untrammeled lends transcendent meaning to wildness. Understanding that meaning is crucial to understanding the Wilderness Act’s overarching mandate to preserve wilderness character.
Native youth engagement not only delivers huge payoffs to our Native youth and public lands, it also ultimately fosters the building of positive relationships that absolutely must exist.
Military aircraft overflights can cause negative impacts to wilderness areas and users, however the military has a requirement to maintain aviation readiness.
The objective of this study was to determine the pattern of terminal recession for Shakes Glacier over the past 50 years, and to identify variables that affect the rate of terminus recession.
This work by Rasch and Hahn provides a framework for identifying wilderness areas most at risk from recreation impacts, now and in the future.