Managing Unconfined Recreation in Wilderness

Managing Unconfined Recreation in Wilderness

Once a US wilderness is congressionally designated, land management agencies must manage it to preserve its wilderness character. Wilderness character is defined by five qualities: untrammeled, natural, undeveloped, solitude or primitive and unconfined recreation, and other features of value

Managing Unconfined Recreation in Wilderness

Wilderness in a Time of….?

I considered finishing the title of this editorial in a number of ways. Wilderness in a time of polarizing politics? …in a time of climate change? … in a time of rhetoric and conflict? Any one of these examples might illustrate the socio- and geopolitical climate that many of us as wilderness professionals, managers, educators, and advocates are currently experiencing.

The Challenge and Opportunity of Preserving Arctic Ocean Wilderness

The Challenge and Opportunity of Preserving Arctic Ocean Wilderness

Soul of the Wilderness June 2017 | Volume 23, Number 1 by BRAD BARR  For a long time, the idea of wilderness in ocean and coastal waters has been talked about, evaluated, recommended, and criticized, but little progress is being made toward some tangible action that...