In this issue
In this issue of IJW, Pablo Garrido suggests the necessary prerequisites for rewilding. Jesse Engebretson and Courtney Larson discuss the benefits and tradeoffs of eDNA in wilderness management. Will Rice introduces the Western Wildlands digital archive. And Alexandra Locquet and Stéphane Héritier continue our “Wilderness Babel” series with the impossibility of translating “wilderness” into French and describing when ecological meaning fails to express cultural complexity.
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Missing the Forest for the Algorithm
What is the value of wilderness? Well, what you have just completed reading is the “value of wilderness” as described by ChatGPT 3.5.
Rewilding Prerequisites: An Ecocentric Approach
Rewilding is increasingly gaining momentum as a conservation practice in Europe.
Trusting Tech and Wilderness in the 21st Century
A Response to Keeling’s The Trouble with Virtual Wilderness
Benefits and Trade-Offs of Environmental DNA (eDNA) in Wilderness Character Monitoring
Visitor Perspectives on Removing and Maintaining Dams in Wilderness
Introducing the Western Wildlands Digital Archive
The vast majority of this work had never been digitized, nor made available for the global wildland research and management community.
Increasing the Acreage of Strictly Protected Areas in France
English translation of an op-ed signed by the leading members of the Coordination Libre Evolution (CLE) that was published in the French national newspaper Le Monde in December 2022.
Wilderness Babel: On the Impossibility of Translating “Wilderness” into French
Wilderness Babel is a project created by Marcus Hall, Wilko Graf Von Hardenberg, Tina Tin, and Robert Dvorak from the original online exhibit at the Environment and Society Portal of the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society.
Wilderness Babel: When Ecological Meaning Fails to Express the Cultural Complexity of European Wilderness
Wilderness Babel is a project created by Marcus Hall, Wilko Graf Von Hardenberg, Tina Tin, and Robert Dvorak from the original online exhibit at the Environment and Society Portal of the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society.
Digital Reviews
A Review of Hush of the Land: A Lifetime in the Bob Marshall Wilderness, by Arnold “Smoke” Elser and Eva-Maria Maggi.
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