Types of Articles
Peer-Reviewed Manuscripts
These are science reports of wilderness-related research. It is strongly advised the Results (factual) and Discussion (interpretive) sections be kept separate to enhance clarity; sections reporting recommendations and implications are encouraged. Peer-reviewed manuscripts must have an Abstract of 50 to 100 words, in which objectives, methods, and major findings are clearly summarized. Photos, with figure captions illustrating key points in the submitted text, are strongly encouraged. Target length of articles is 2,500 to 3,000 words; longer articles will be edited for length.
Editor-Reviewed Manuscripts: Feature Manuscripts
These are reports of wilderness-related stewardship, planning, management, international, and education issues presented in a factual manner. Sections reporting recommendations and implications are encouraged. Photos, with figure captions illustrating key points in the submitted text, are strongly encouraged. Target length of articles is 2,500 to 3,000 words; longer articles will be edited for length.
Letters to the Editor and Commentaries
Commentaries and letters consist of a reasoned argument (approximately 500 words) on an important wilderness issue, such as a research program, a change in administrative procedure, etc. and may culminate in recommendations or proposals for some action. Photos with figure captions are encouraged.
Announcements and Book Reviews
Announcements of meetings and important events, photos, administrative policy updates, major personnel changes, and special event information are welcome for the “Wilderness Digest” section. Send materials for the Digest directly to IJW Editor Greg Kroll at wildernessamigo@yahoo.com. Suggestions for books to review are welcome, but book reviews are solicited by the Book Review editor, John Shultis.