Are We in Need of “Triage” for Wilderness?

Are We in Need of “Triage” for Wilderness?

As part of a larger management strategy, “triage” actions can work with long term decision-making to provide wilderness managers with the best practices necessary for wilderness stewardship.

Crises of Use

Crises of Use

As we transition to a post-pandemic society, demand for transformational, restorative, and education experiences in nature will not recede. Nature has demonstrated its diverse benefits to a greater constituency these past months, and we as advocates, scientists, and managers need to embrace the challenge that comes with a larger audience.

What We Have and What We Need

What We Have and What We Need

As we reach the end of the 26th volume of the International Journal of Wilderness, it is worthwhile to reflect on this year that was 2020.

Foundation and Future of Long Distance Trails

Foundation and Future of Long Distance Trails

We begin this special edition of the International Journal of Wilderness with references to the U.S. Wilderness and National Trails System Acts to illustrate the significance and interconnectedness of wilderness areas and long-distance trails.

Crises of Use

Of Global Concern: Reliance upon Resilience

There is no argument that the Australia bushfires are of global concern, but what may be of more concern is the lack of a greater resonance across the globe. If nature can no longer react and response to threats, then nature must rely upon us.